Terms of use

Wallpaper Upload

Wallpaper have to be of high quality. Our team will screen all photos to see if they are suitable for distribution. We does not accept adult oriented contents. Background will be rejected if they are too blurry, too skewed, of poor composition, badly exposed, are not interesting, etc...

User-submitted Content

We assume and trust that the uploader either made the picture, or that the uploader has the picture from a trusted source that can be verified. In cases of questions or disputes, we will ask the uploader to provide source information. When the source can’t be verified by the uploader, Gludy reserves the right to remove the photo and the uploader from the platform. We respect image rights.

Explicit content

Explicit content on photos is allowed to a certain extent and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the administrators. Glamorous images are ok, but the site should be suitable for all ages. The same principle applies to possible profanity, pictures with violence, etc.


It’s allowed to show people as a main subject on pictures, but we trust and assume you have a model release when you upload the picture. You should be able to present the model release upon request. Please be aware that Gludy waives all responsibility for uploaded content containing portraits. Users that upload portraits should be aware of a person’s rights, and act accordingly.


Gludy.com, it's owners, employees, and partners shall not be held legally liable or financially responsible for any loss, damage, or injury incurred as a result of the use or existence of Gludy.com.


On Gludy, content is user-submitted. As we respect copyright law, if you own the rights to an image you find on the site, contact us and we will remove it.